Luke 14 Exchange Blog

Ben Cooper: Genealogist


Homeschool parents are creative in educating their children. They find what will capture their child’s attention while teaching the information or skill. That was a dilemma Ben Cooper’s mother, Jeannette, was up against when he needed to learn data entry. Neither of them was particularly computer …

Meet Jennifer: God Kept Bringing You Back!


Today we are taking a break from our typical first Wednesday post about someone with a disability using their gifts and talents in their community. We think you’ll graciously allow this, as we have great news to share! Jennifer Wyatt has joined the Luke 14 Exchange team as our Executive Assistant. …

Dani: Don’t Fight the Suffering


“Don’t fight the suffering.” One might expect to hear a statement like this from a seasoned saint who endured hardship. But these words came from the mouth of a nineteen-year-old woman, Danielle McCloskey. Just a couple of years post-high school she has confidence and enthusiasm about her life and …

Try, Try, Try Again!


When I look up the word “tenacity” in the dictionary, I expect to see Katie Horsham’s profile right beside it. Persistence and determination are traits that allowed Katie to build upon her experiences growing up with Spina Bifida to connect with those she serves as an Independent Living Systems …

My Name is Tait


In our ongoing series of posting a story the first week of each month about a person with a disability using their gifts and talents, we’d like you to meet our friend Tait Berge. Perhaps one of the best ways to introduce him is to share his press release for his newly published book, My Name is …

Christina: Born to Worship


Christina’s devotion to God started as a young child, even before she knew him personally as her Lord and Savior. Perhaps God planted the worship seed early in her life to sustain her as she walked a hard path to her current place of serving as a worship minister. In her early years, while …

Dorsey Ross: Evangelist


“God wanted me to do great things with my life.” Evangelist Dorsey Ross spoke that statement of faith. He was born with Apert Syndrome. Even putting the word Evangelist in front of his name is remarkable. It is his calling, passion, and what God created him for. But it was not easy. Like many kids …

Matt Curcio: Roofbreaker


Beginning today, we’ll are posting a story on the first Wednesday of each month. The stories will be about individuals who have discovered their passion, calling, gifts, and talents, even amidst the challenges of living with a disability. If you know of someone whose story we should spotlight, …

Riches and Treasures: Benefits Found in Life with Disability


Some days surprises pop up in the most unexpected ways. One might think I have a handle on living with disability after nearly a quarter of a century married to Jerry. Born with cerebral palsy, he uses a power wheelchair. But sometimes I am still dumbfounded.             One surprise confronted me …

Who Defines If You Are Successful?


Phil Hodges, a coauthor of Lead Like Jesus, says, “Satan’s definition of success is performance plus the opinions of others.” I am easily lulled into believing this lie. I like it when people pay me a compliment which morphs into a compulsion to have people notice me. I like the diplomas and …

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