2023 Is Off To a Great Start!

Did you set any New Year’s goals? We did.
As 2022 drew to a close, our team reflected on the year, prayed and wrote out the plans/goals we believe God is asking us to focus on in 2023. Here’s an overview of them. We’d love your feedback!
- Write and post 22 blog entries.
- Publish Joan’s book on marriage and disability.
- Speak 24 times (we already have 9 scheduled and have two more in the works).
- Publish material in at least three other resources (we already have secured two of those).
- Update our website.
Outreach (People and Programs)
- Teach a Bible study at Noah’s Landing (brand new outreach with adults with disabilities).
- Continue outreach with the Dream Center, focusing on relationship building through their Block Party.
- Develop and implement a process for group coaching while also continuing 1:1 coaching.
- Continue involvement with Breakaway Camp and Camp Celebrate. Consider other opportunities.
- Continue Page 42 for Christian writers affected by disability.
- Start a web-based book club around disability focused books.
- Continue to build relationships with donors to fund the ministry and meet or exceed our budget.
- Grow our total number of donors by at least 25.
- Increase attendance at Evening at the Table to 75.
- Enhance our volunteer opportunities to ensure people serve in their strength, and have all the needed supports to thrive.
- Develop a broader volunteer team for prayer, outreaches, office assistance.
We are in awe that only two weeks into the year, some of our goals are well underway. Perhaps God has more in store than we expected. As new opportunities are presented to us, we take them to prayer, seeking God’s direction. Stay tuned to hear if any of these change or any new goal is added.
As you read these goals, did any resonate with you?
Do you sense God nudging you to ask for more info?
Is God asking you to pray specifically for one or more of these opportunities?
Do you sense God asking you to take part by sharing some of your time or talent?
Might God be asking you to invest a portion of your treasure through Luke 14 Exchange?
We’d love to hear your thoughts. Please comment below or email [email protected]