Ministry Partnerships
The world of disability is huge. No one person or organization can meet every need. But when we work and pray alongside other ministries with a similar vision our reach broadens. It is our privilege and honor to partner with these ministries.

Access Life
It’s always a great day when we attend an Expo, Spring Fling or Jingle and Mingle sponsored by Access-Life. What a joy to have a part in sharing equipment and helping recruit volunteers for their mission trips to Belize.

Luke 14 Ministries
These friends host Camp Celebrate in Newport, TN. It is with great pleasure that we serve there each summer, pouring into the families who attend. Jerry is the camp pastor. It’s a role he anticipates all year long!

Lift Disability Network
LIFT hosts the other week of family camp we do each summer. Their camp is called Breakaway. There our role is to invest in the parents and adult family members. There is very little we love doing more!

Key Ministry
Key Ministry offers stellar training and support for churches in all areas related to serving people with disabilities. We appreciate the opportunity we have to speak in workshops at their Disability and the Church conference.

ROAR Florida
ROAR, formerly known as Noah's Landing, is an apartment community for people with many disabilities. When they issued an invitation to teach a Bible study on campus we jumped at the chance. We’re there twice a month.