Disability is Relentless.
So is Hope!

Hope brings joy on the brightest days and offers a glimmer of light to press on when the days are dark.

Two people talking and one is in a wheelchair

There's a Place for You at the Table

Tim sitting at computer editing a video

Coaching Individuals

We coach and mentor people affected by disability to discover their strengths, learn to develop them and use them in their communities.

Dougherty Family

Helping Families

Whether you are a parent, spouse, child, or sibling of someone with a disability, your family member’s disability affects you. We count it a privilege to listen to the heart and stories of family members.

Piper and Jerry talking with each other.

Assisting Churches

We understand churches don’t always know how to work together with people who have disabilities. Reach out to us and let us know your need. We’ll help you find the answer to your questions and share training, education, and support.

To Live an Unrealistic Life

Get Your Free Download Today

Read a portion of the incredible story of Jerry Borton’s journey overcoming expectations others had for him because of his cerebral palsy. From baseball to education to marriage, you’ll gain a vision for what is possible.

Hear From Others

“I love these guys. They are such good people. Working hard to take care of those with disabilities. Serving and loving the Lord by reaching the lost.”
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Stuart Baldick
Owner-Operator Stuart’s Plumbing
“Seeds sometimes take a long time to grow. It was over 40 years ago that I met a young man sitting in a wheelchair who was starting Christian camp programs for people with disabilities. I was very impressed with the mission of Jerry and felt he was doing the real work of Christ while the rest of us were playing around the edges. Who would know that some 30 years later the seed Jerry planted would sprout into Removing the Barriers Initiative. It is great to know that Jerry is still planting seeds that only God can make grow. “
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Bill Redmon
President , Removing the Barriers Initiative and Founder of StirringWaters
“Joan and Jerry Borton bring a wonderful gift set to life and to ministry. As a couple, not only do they have a depth of collective wisdom and experience–they are also rooted in the love and grace of God. Firmly believing in the transformational power of the gospel, they possess the all-too-rare quality of being fully present with people as they navigate life alongside of others. I have benefited from time spent with the Bortons and I’m sure you will too!”
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Stephanie O. Hubach
Research Fellow in Disability Ministries, Covenant Theological Seminary

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My Times Are In His Hands

Every day I’ve written this post, or at least a portion of it in my head. They always came with a witty title. But getting those thoughts from my …

Prayer Request Follow-up

To all those who've been keeping Joan in prayer, thank you! She recently shared the following: "I am experiencing a brief lifting of anesthesia fog. …

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Smiling boy sitting in a wheelchair in a garden