
Below are ideas to help you pray for people with disabilities in your community and around the world. Stop back often and choose another point to focus your prayers on for that day or week. At the bottom of the page you can submit a request for our team to lift in prayer.


Sunday - Church Ministry

  • For churches to offer a welcoming environment to people affected by disabilities.
  • For pastors and church staff to see disability not as another program, but rather as unreached people God privileges them to love and engage.
  • That the Gospel of Jesus Christ is clear to all.
  • For churches to not just minister to people affected by disability, but to recognize their gifts and look for opportunities to minister with people with disabilities.
  • For the entire family to feel welcome and connected in the church.
  • That churches and mission teams will remember to include people with disabilities in their outreaches.
  • Thank God for the churches which assist families with disabilities with financial and care needs.
  • Ask God to raise up volunteers from within the church to be involved in disability ministry.
  • Disability ministry involves more than a ramp. Pray for churches to remember things like accessible restrooms, large print materials, hearing accommodations, and buddies.
Man leading worship

Monday - People with Disability

  • To accept God’s invitation to join his eternal banquet table.
  • Those who are newly disabled through accident, illness, genetics, war, and natural disasters.
  • People who have lived with disability for years and are growing weary.
  • For people with disabilities to encourage one another.
  • For those in countries other than the USA who may not have access to as many resources as we do here.
  • For those in the USA who are still struggling to find the needed resources.
  • Those who experience loneliness and isolation with disability.
  • Peple who long for opportunities to date, marry or parent.
  • For people to find a meaningful purpose in their life.
  • The impact of changing health on disability.
  • Pray for people you  know with specific disabilities. For example, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, autism spectrum disorder, ALS, dementia, alzheimers, paralysis, loss of limbs, hearing impairments, visual loss, and speech challenges.
  • For those struggling with paperwork and financial needs in securing services.
  • For safety and discernment as they hire persoanl care help.
Family photo with two parents and five children

Tuesday - Family/Caregivers

  • Disability affects every member of the family in different ways. Remember parents, siblings, grandparents and extended family.
  • Energy for family caregivers.
  • Disability can can be hard on marriages. Pray for open communication to build strong marriages.
  • Family members’ jobs may be impacted by the care needs of their loved one.
  • Parents sometimes struggle to leverage the needs of their typical kids with that of the person with a disability.
  • Parents wear many different hats, for example:  mom or dad, advocate, health care specialist, caregiver, teacher, therapist, etc. It  may be hard to balance which role one is in.
  • Disability is expensive. Pray for wisdom in how to use their resources and connections to assistance when needed. 
Man making an adjustment to a prosthetic in professional setting

Wednesday - Professionals

This group of people may not have a disability in their life, but they work with and support people who do. Pray for them to use their skills and influence wisely.

  • Educators
  • Educational aides
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Medical technicians
  • Personal Care Attendants and Home Health Aides
  • Therapists (speech, physical, occupational, cognitive, counselors)
  • Technology developers
  • Equipment Manufacturers and Vendors
  • Equipment Repair technicians
  • Coaches and Mentors
  • Bus and transport drivers
  • Group home and day program staff
  • Case workers, social service employees
  • Government workers
Ministry leaders in group photo

Thursday - Disability Ministry

Non-profits of all sizes, dedicated to ministering in the name of Jesus Christ to and with people affected by disability, serve communities across our country, and around the world. This is an abbreviated listing of some of them. For these ministries, pray for their outreach, financial needs, staffing needs, succession planning, and Boards of Directors for starters.

  • Luke 14 Exchange
  • Access-Life, Inc
  • LIFT Disability Network
  • Special Gathering
  • Our City Beautiful
  • Bethesda
  • Camp Daniel
  • Luke 14 Ministries (TN)
  • Joni and Friends
  • Key Ministries
  • Mephibosheth Ministries
  • Power Ministries
  • Oaks of Hebron
Man dressed in business attire with briefcase

Friday - Employment

  • Creative employers who will open suitable employment to people with disabilities in all categories.
  • Co-workers learning to engage together.
  • Job training offered in ways that connect.
  • Volunteer opportunities for those who desire them. The possibility of developing to a paid position as warranted.
  • Technology that allows one to complete skills and tasks they could not otherwise.
Child with disability playing on swingset

Saturday - Community

  • For the people in your neighborhood who live with disability.
  • When you are traveling around town take note of where you see ramps, vehicles and other signs indicating disability. Pray for those who live there or use that service.
  • For universal access available in all communities and every venue.
  • Attitudes among community members which welcome and engage people affected by disability.
  • Opportunities for people with disability to learn and practice leadership skills, and take part in community.
  • Safety and rescue services in times of a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, fire, blizzard, flood, or other natural disaster.
  • All community services like the Dream Center of Lakeland, and Oxford Circle Christian Community Association, include people with disabilities as part of their outreaches.

Luke 14 Exchange Prayer Requests

Check back here for specific prayer requests for our ministry.

  • As the ministry grows please pray with us for the opportunity to rent office spaces
  • Please keep Joan in your prayers as she receives radiation treatment
  • Our administrative assistance, Bethany, recently injured her ACL. Please pray for quick and complete healing.
  • Please join us in prayer as we prepare for two camps coming up in 2025: Breakaway and Camp Celebrate
  • Keep co-founders, Jerry and Joan, in prayer as they make their ministry travel plans for 2025.

Prayer Request

We’d love to pray for you. Please share below.

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