Resources We Recommend

Free Downloads

To Live An Unrealistic Life

A brief story of Jerry Borton’s life

How to Determine Your Career Path

Points to consider when seeking to find purpose and work

Scriptures of Encouragement

Many of Jerry Borton’s favorite go-to verses when he needs encouragement

Read the devotions we shared at Breakaway Camp 2024


Marriage Ability Book Cover

MarriageAbility: Embracing the Richness of a Marriage Affected by Disability

Joan Borton

Dreams of marriage rarely include wheelchairs, walkers, or medical equipment. Yet the oneness found in a marriage with disability presents a beautiful picture of the relationship between Jesus and His Church.

This book engages the reality disability puts on the marriage relationship through the real-life, and often humorous, stories of couples living with disability. Readers will find they’re not alone in their journey. They’ll discover a framework to manage the challenges of disability and marriage.

The book will inspire those who do not live with disability to embrace those around them who do.

My Body is Not a Prayer Request book cover.  Yellow background.  Wheelchair full of colorful flowers in the background behind the title in white capital letters.

My Body is Not a Prayer Request

Amy Kenny

Written by a disabled Christian, this book shows that the church is missing out on the prophetic witness and blessing of disability. Kenny reflects on her experiences inside the church to expose unintentional ableism and cast a new

vision for Christian communities to engage disability justice. She shows that until we cultivate church spaces where people with disabilities can fully belong, flourish, and lead, we are not valuing the diverse members of the body of Christ.

Spacial Grace - Prayers and Reflections for Familites with Specias Needs Book Cover.

Special Grace

Elrena Evans

Special Grace is a collection of 127 prayers for all aspects of life for families with special needs. Here are prayers for family life, school, and church; prayers for an initial diagnosis, for the first day of school, and for celebrating a milestone. Each section is set off by a reflective essay from Evans's own family life. Filled with humor and wisdom, these prayers and reflections will help families process their experiences together and offer them to God with hope and simple trust. In moments when the cries of your heart leave you speechless, Special Grace provides words you can bring before your Father in heaven.

How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities Book Cover. Two cups of coffee in front of a mountain backdrop.

How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities

Kristin Faith Evans and Todd Evans

Once on the brink of divorce, Kristin and Todd Evans uncovered the unique set of skills critical for growing a fulfilling relationship amid the extraordinary challenges of caring for their two children with special needs. Now they are sharing their hard-won discoveries and inspiring marriage story with you. Weaving together insights from Scripture, research, and clinical and personal experience, Kristin and Todd offer you the practical relationship tools you need to save, strengthen, and enjoy your marriage

Paige's Pages Book Cover.

Paige’s Pages

Paige Snedeker

Paige Snedeker has wrestled deeply with many of the big life questions in ways most of us will never understand. This does not make her a saint, it makes her real. Often people with disabilities are put on a pedestal as inspirational and beyond the reach of common man. Paige refuses to live there. In her book, she shares her life story and that of her family, honestly and humbly. She gives the reader insight into her struggle to accept both her physical limitations and God’s plan before her own. Paige understands Who it is that created her and gifted her with incredible talents in communication and art. It is with joy and great determination that Paige shares these gifts with the world.

Conferences & Expos

Disability and the Church

Follow Key Ministries on their web page or social media for updates about this annual conference.

Family Café

This is an annual conference in Florida that gathers all the disability service organizations from around the state to provide a wealth of information and resources. The conference is free to people with disabilities and their family members.

Abilities Expo

Abilities Expo hosts annual events around the country to introduce vendors and organizations which serve people with disabilities around the country and regionally. It is free to attend.

Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made is a conference SOAR hosts for disability ministry in the church.

Websites or Social Media Sites

Caregivers social media groups:

The Heart of the Caregiver
Hope for the Caregiver

Leisure Time Favorites of Our Team

Detroit Tigers Baseball

Flying Tigers Baseball


Encouraging music

If you have a resource you’d like to share, or a question we can answer here, please email it to [email protected]