Luke 14 Exchange Blog

Six Weeks


The L14E Team continues to be grateful for all the prayers and love that have accompanied Joan's cancer journey. We thought we'd share her recent, heartwarming, and encouraging update with you (can also be found here: _______________ "Today marks six weeks since …

My Times Are In His Hands


Every day I’ve written this post, or at least a portion of it in my head. They always came with a witty title. But getting those thoughts from my head to my fingers to type was much harder. Let’s see how it goes today. Thank you for all your prayers, notes of encouragement, gift cards and meals. …

Prayer Request Follow-up


To all those who've been keeping Joan in prayer, thank you! She recently shared the following: "I am experiencing a brief lifting of anesthesia fog. I'll try to share a quick update. Surgery went very well. Pathology report will be back in 2 weeks. I was able to come home and am delighting in the …

Please Pray with Us


Please Pray with Us If you follow Jerry or me (Joan) on our social media accounts, you may have already learned of this prayer need. At the time this posts, I’ll be preparing for surgery on Monday 12/30. About two months ago, it was discovered that I had stage 1 cancer. We are truly thankful that …

In the Fullness of Time


In the Fullness of Time Scripture says that Jesus was born in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:4) He was born at the exact time when his message could spread most easily. Charles Stanley notes that, before Jesus’ birth, Alexander the Great had made Greek the common language throughout the known …

Thank You, Lord


Earlier this week Bethany and I went to Bible study at ROAR, a neighborhood for people with disabilities. Our discussion centered on thanksgiving, not the holiday, but some of the approximately 171 times the word is mentioned in the Bible (depending on version). We had such a great time with the …

You Know You’re a Caregiver When . . .


November 1 kicks of National Family Caregivers Month. A few years ago I asked many of my caregiving friends to complete the sentence, “You know you’re a caregiver when . . .” What follows below are some answers they gave. This was previously posted on our site in 2021. It’s our prayer that as you …

Encouragement for Caregivers


Someone once asked me to choose five verses that give me encouragement as a caregiver. That is nearly an impossible task with so many to pick from. But today, here, and now, these are my top six (if you’ve followed me long, you know I don’t do well with boundaries 😊): Lamentations 3:23-25 Because …

A Diamond in the Rough; Or Not


Life happens and difficult things come our way. Read here when it recently happened to Jerry and Joan. This is reposted with permission from When I finished my devotions, I noticed something didn’t feel right. I jumped up, found my husband, and blurted out, “I’ve finally become a …

We're Kind of Tired


A few weeks ago I was texting with a family in our network. They have been through months and months of challenge with one of their children. This child now lives out of state to get the treatment needed for his disability. I am certain you can imagine the potential challenges with this …

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