
Jerry Borton

We're Kind of Tired


A few weeks ago I was texting with a family in our network. They have been through months and months of challenge with one of their children. This …

Who Defines If You Are Successful?


Phil Hodges, a coauthor of Lead Like Jesus, says, “Satan’s definition of success is performance plus the opinions of others.” I am easily lulled into …

A Few More Questions from Jerry


Hi friends, It’s the question guy back! In my last post, I shared questions for you to think about in determining what you believe God is calling you …

How to Discover Your Unique Gifts and Calling


This is the fifth in a series by our co-founder Jerry Borton. To read the previous posts, click the month. February , January , December ,  November …

How to Know Who You Are as a Leader


This is the fourth in a series by our co-founder Jerry Borton. To read the previous posts, click the month.  January , December ,  November ,  …

I Want to Hear You, God!


This is the fourth in a series by our co-founder Jerry Borton. To read the previous posts, click the month. December , November , October . Last …

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