Coach & Mentor
Empowering Christian Leaders
Being a person with a disability does not disqualify you from leadership.
We’ve put together a coaching/mentoring process designed for Christian leaders with a disability. There are many resources that talk about Christian leadership. Other resources talk about leadership for people with disabilities. Ours is one of the first programs that focuses on Christian leadership for people with disabilities.
There are six steps covered in our program. Although each step builds on the one before it, we can design a process that fits you individually.
Step 1 - Know Whose You Are
Step 2 - Understand Who You Are
Step 3 - Deal with Anger
Step 4 - Learn to Lament
Step 5 - Deal with Imposter Syndrome
Step 6 - Build Resilience

If these topics interest you mentoring/coaching may be right for you.
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Read a portion of the incredible story of Jerry Borton’s journey overcoming expectations others had for him because of his cerebral palsy. From baseball to education to marriage, you’ll gain a vision for what is possible.