Joan Borton
My Times Are In His Hands
1/21/25Every day I’ve written this post, or at least a portion of it in my head. They always came with a witty title. But getting those thoughts from my …
Prayer Request Follow-up
12/31/24To all those who've been keeping Joan in prayer, thank you! She recently shared the following: "I am experiencing a brief lifting of anesthesia fog. …
Please Pray with Us
12/29/24Please Pray with Us If you follow Jerry or me (Joan) on our social media accounts, you may have already learned of this prayer need. At the time this …
You Know You’re a Caregiver When . . .
11/01/24November 1 kicks of National Family Caregivers Month. A few years ago I asked many of my caregiving friends to complete the sentence, “You know …
Encouragement for Caregivers
9/27/24Someone once asked me to choose five verses that give me encouragement as a caregiver. That is nearly an impossible task with so many to pick from. …
A Diamond in the Rough; Or Not
8/22/24Life happens and difficult things come our way. Read here when it recently happened to Jerry and Joan. This is reposted with permission from …