
Joan Borton

My Times Are In His Hands


Every day I’ve written this post, or at least a portion of it in my head. They always came with a witty title. But getting those thoughts from my …

Prayer Request Follow-up


To all those who've been keeping Joan in prayer, thank you! She recently shared the following: "I am experiencing a brief lifting of anesthesia fog. …

Please Pray with Us


Please Pray with Us If you follow Jerry or me (Joan) on our social media accounts, you may have already learned of this prayer need. At the time this …

You Know You’re a Caregiver When . . .


November 1 kicks of National Family Caregivers Month. A few years ago I asked many of my caregiving friends to complete the sentence, “You know …

Encouragement for Caregivers


Someone once asked me to choose five verses that give me encouragement as a caregiver. That is nearly an impossible task with so many to pick from. …

A Diamond in the Rough; Or Not


Life happens and difficult things come our way. Read here when it recently happened to Jerry and Joan. This is reposted with permission from …

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