Luke 14 Exchange Blog

Fragile Not Broken


July is Fragile X Awareness Month. Luke 14 Exchange is grateful to Jessie Olivio Dougherty for writing and sharing this part of her family’s story with us.  When we first began our family almost 17 years ago, we had never heard of Fragile X Syndrome.* It wasn’t until our third son was born that …

Meet Rachel: Living on Mission


If you talk with Rachel Petri, you are going to hear the phrase “living on mission” often. Since it is such a powerful concept to this young woman, I wanted to explore what that means to her, and how she arrived at this place as a not quite 20-something person. Rachel describes her own story as …

Meet Lyla: Rachael’s Mom


Written by Lyla Swafford, author of It Takes More Than Legs to Stand. Her memoir is available on Amazon or you connect with when you follow her blog . My daughter came as an unexpected gift. As a woman with cerebral palsy, people didn’t think I could birth or raise a child. So I never dreamed of …

My Brother, Zach


Hello all, it is Joshua Helms bringing you another article. The wonderful people at Luke 14 Exchange have asked me to write a piece about World Autism Awareness Month, which is very near and dear to me on a personal level. I do not think I would be sitting here without my brother, Zachariah Helms. …

Gracious Siege Ramps


Gracious Siege Ramps. There’s an oxymoron. Grace, a term associated with God and favor. Siege, a word used in battle. Ramps, a tool for those with disabilities. I don’t relate to war stories or enjoy learning about conquests. I am, however, a person of faith whose heart is deeply entrenched in the …

Portrait of a World Changer


Our thanks to Josh Helms, MA a middle school and high school history teacher and blogger for researching and writing this post. We are happy to share it with you as we celebrate President’s Day. You can follow Josh’s writing at  Franklin Delano …

Meet Kelsie Cain: Serving while Waiting


This month’s featured blog takes a slightly different approach. Kelsie Cain has been a friend of the Bortons and the ministry for many years. As she lives through a season of waiting, she has not let that stop her from using her gifts and talents. We’re thrilled she is using some of them with Luke …

You Know You’re a Caregiver When . . .


Caregivers can spot one another across a parking lot. We recognize the look on their face, be it glazed, incredulous, or laser-focused. We identify because it’s our life too. It is good to remember we are not alone. A few years ago I asked many of my caregiving friends to complete the sentence, …

Meet Andrew: Try It!


Andrew got his best advice at seven. He wanted to be like his older brother who played little league baseball. Andrew told his dad he wanted to join a t-ball team. His dad said, “Try it.” Those two words have shaped Andrew’s life. The third of four children, his parents had no warning …

Say I Won’t


Today we invite you to listen, and watch the story behind Mercy Me’s song, Say I Won’t. Then leave a comment about what “they” told you or your loved one couldn’t be done.” And be sure to check back next Wednesday, September 8, when we resume our person of the month story. You won’t want to miss …

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