

Meet Lyla: Rachael’s Mom


Written by Lyla Swafford, author of It Takes More Than Legs to Stand. Her memoir is available on Amazon or you connect with when you follow her blog …

My Brother, Zach


Hello all, it is Joshua Helms bringing you another article. The wonderful people at Luke 14 Exchange have asked me to write a piece about World …

Portrait of a World Changer


Our thanks to Josh Helms, MA a middle school and high school history teacher and blogger for researching and writing this post. We are happy to share …

Meet Kelsie Cain: Serving while Waiting


This month’s featured blog takes a slightly different approach. Kelsie Cain has been a friend of the Bortons and the ministry for many years. As she …

Meet Andrew: Try It!


Andrew got his best advice at seven. He wanted to be like his older brother who played little league baseball. Andrew told his dad he wanted to join …

Say I Won’t


Today we invite you to listen, and watch the story behind Mercy Me’s song, Say I Won’t. Then leave a comment about what “they” told you or your loved …

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