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Meet Kelsie Cain: Serving while Waiting

Kelsie Cain sitting outside, looking over her shoulder and smiling

This month’s featured blog takes a slightly different approach. Kelsie Cain has been a friend of the Bortons and the ministry for many years. As she lives through a season of waiting, she has not let that stop her from using her gifts and talents. We’re thrilled she is using some of them with Luke 14 Exchange! Read on to hear Kelsie share her own story.

My name is Kelsie and I’m 29. I was born with cerebral palsy and I use a wheelchair for mobility. I grew up in Pennsylvania and have spent the past 7 years in California with my parents. I have a master’s degree and credential in special education and a bachelor’s degree in public relations. My goal is to be a special education teacher. . . or at least so I thought, but I’ll get back to that.

I came to serve with Luke 14 Exchange due to a long-time friendship with Jerry and Joan, who I met when I was 11. They have been dear friends of my family and me ever since. When they came to me asking for assistance with social media, I was thrilled to say yes! While waiting for my career to begin, I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve this ministry using skills that God has given me.

If anyone had asked me where I would be by this age, jobless and living at home was never a description I would have given. Even from a young age, I saw myself living independently and working. With the shortage of teachers in California, particularly in special education, I saw myself having a position much sooner. However, it is obvious that God has other plans. Whether or not those plans include me teaching is only something He knows.

Not seeing the path to my future has been difficult. This time in my life has been full of nerves and frustration. God is pushing me to lean on what I know is true. He is good and has a plan. I have also been reminded God does not intend for me to waste my days away waiting for something to happen. Each of us is made in His image. We have all been given gifts and skills we can use to bring Him glory. We need to use those gifts and skills to bring Him glory, no matter our circumstances.

Don’t get me wrong, I have days that I have wasted watching Netflix. I become completely overwhelmed and feel like things won’t change, which leads me to justify staring at a screen. I am sure I am not the only one. We are human, which means we will struggle and fall. What’s important is that we don’t stay there.

I am so grateful to serve alongside everyone at Luke 14 Exchange. Though I may not be exactly where I want to be, I am somewhere where God can use me. Finding purpose means working every day to change my focus. I need to look at what’s in front of me rather than what I am missing.

As I write this, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is struggling with finding a job. Or maybe you have a job and still don’t feel you have purpose. Either way, this is my encouragement to you. Don’t give up. Change your focus. Find purpose in what’s in front of you. It will take prayer and maybe some help from friends. You may lose focus along the way. Just make sure you find a reason not to stay there. Every step is just part of the journey God has you on to get you where He wants you.

Now you know a small part of the reason we thank God for the gift of Kelsie. If you’d like to send her a note of encouragement, you may do so at [email protected].

By: Kelsie Cain
Categories: Stories>