
Why We Exist

Need a Speaker?


One of the gifts God has given to both Jerry and Joan Borton is the ability to enjoy public speaking. Likely, many of you reading this are one of the …

Who Am I and Why I Talk About Leadership


In this post, and the first Wednesday of every month following, you will hear from Jerry Borton, one of our co-founders.  Thank you for joining me …



The ministry we do is the catalyst for even bolder dreams in the days and months ahead. Following the pattern of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. we too …

Is There Really a Need?


Have you ever wondered if there is really a need for disability ministry? If people with disabilities are just people, why is a focused ministry …

And So We Begin . . .


Jerry and Joan Borton, the co-founders of Luke 14 Exchange, Inc were not looking to start a new ministry in the latter stages of their career life. …

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