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Meet Jennifer: God Kept Bringing You Back!

Woman with blonde hair wearing a shirt with pink roses and a black cardigan.

Today we are taking a break from our typical first Wednesday post about someone with a disability using their gifts and talents in their community. We think you’ll graciously allow this, as we have great news to share!

Jennifer Wyatt has joined the Luke 14 Exchange team as our Executive Assistant. We could not be more excited to see the way God has brought together each of our gifts and talents to serve Him through Luke 14 Exchange.

During the interview process the phrase, “God kept bringing you back,” was acknowledged several times, both by Jen and Jerry and me as we searched through resumes from highly qualified candidates. Jen says God kept bringing Luke 14 Exchange back to her inbox, and we found Jen’s resume kept resurfacing in our searches.

Let us tell you a little about Jen and we think you’ll see what we chose her.

Jen has 20 years of experience working alongside ministries, non-profits, and small businesses. She specializes in streamlining processes and facilitating growth within an organization. Jen recognizes the presence of God in everything and uses her positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others to work hard and succeed.  Jen is inspired daily by her husband, a retired airman, and their three sons. In her free time, Jen likes to sew, take photographs, and play board games with her family.

Jennifer’s experiences and skills fit so well with Luke 14 Exchange having just celebrated our 2nd anniversary. We are on the cusp of our next level of growth. Having someone who can manage some processes and refine them for more effective use is something we need and want.

To borrow the expression from a television infomercial, “But wait! There’s more . . . “

Not only does Jen have excellent skills and references, but she gets us and our mission. In particular, Jen wanted to work with the Luke 14 Exchange because of our vision to help people and families with disabilities exchange a life of low expectation for an abundant life with purpose. Her middle son Zach is Autistic, and Jen knows firsthand how support, encouragement, prayer, and a relationship with Christ can transform a family. Her desire is to help L14E grow and reach more people with this life-changing message.

Please leave Jen a comment of welcome below. Would you pray for each of us, Jerry, Joan, Jen, and Kelsie (our social media manager), as we develop our relationships and work as a team?

And watch out . . . God is on the move through Luke 14 Exchange, and we can’t wait to see what lies ahead!

By: JemB