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MarriageAbility Launch Parties

Marriageability book on a spring over a background of blue with white clouds.  "It's Launch Time: Please Join The Party"

Authors often compare the publishing process as a birth of their book baby. Though I’ve never birthed a child, I can resonate with the pangs of delivering a book. Babies and new moms get baby showers. Book babies and their author get a Book Launch Party (but you don’t need to bring a gift). Writing MarriageAbility  took so long, we’ll celebrate with two parties!

One will be in person in Lakeland, FL. The other will be web-based so I can connect with friends and readers around the world. There will be give-aways at each. I hope I’ll see you at one of them.

Here’s the details.

Lakeland In Person Book Launch Party—Saturday September 30. 1 pm–3pm at Legacy Christian Church 901 West Beacon. Park on the west side of the building and enter through the side door.

It’s open house style; come when you can, leave when you must. MarriageAbility will be available for sale. If you are so inclined, I’ll be happy to autograph it for you. You’ll get to taste some foods that have played a part in Jerry’s and my relationship.

Online Book Launch-Thursday October 5. 7pm – 8pm Join via this link.  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5296476202 Good friend and author, Britt Mooney is our host for the event. He’ll have some interview questions for me and will also field questions you post for me to answer. Jerry may even make a special appearance! We’ll laugh together, share a story or two, and share some give-aways.

Hope to see you at one of these parties. Please share and bring a friend along too!

By: Joan Borton
Categories: MarriageAbility>