Dorsey Ross: Evangelist

Dorsey Ross: Evangelist

“God wanted me to do great things with my life.” Evangelist Dorsey Ross spoke that statement of faith. He was born with Apert Syndrome. Even putting the word Evangelist in front of his name is remarkable. It is his calling, passion, and what God created him for. But...
I Want to Hear You, God!

I Want to Hear You, God!

This is the fourth in a series by our co-founder Jerry Borton. To read the previous posts, click the month. December, November, October. Last month I shared the need to change the messages we allow to play in our minds. Our minds can get so crowded with input, even if...
Need a Speaker?

Need a Speaker?

One of the gifts God has given to both Jerry and Joan Borton is the ability to enjoy public speaking. Likely, many of you reading this are one of the Americans who identify speaking publicly as one of their greatest fears; but not the Bortons. Perhaps you saw photos...

Leadership Starts with Knowing Whose You Are

In this post I’d like to share with you some of my foundational thoughts on leadership. John Maxwell defines leadership as influence. I believe he is correct. Leadership is not about a title or position. Some leaders do have titles and positions, but leadership...

Authenticity, Disability and Leadership

Joan and I are at the Spire Conference in Orlando. We attended a session with Brad Lomenick, a speaker, author and leadership advisor.  The topic was how leadership is changing with each generation. Two things Brad said resonated with me.  One is the need for...