Fragile Not Broken

Fragile Not Broken

July is Fragile X Awareness Month. Luke 14 Exchange is grateful to Jessie Olivio Dougherty for writing and sharing this part of her family’s story with us.  When we first began our family almost 17 years ago, we had never heard of Fragile X Syndrome.* It...
My Name is Tait

My Name is Tait

In our ongoing series of posting a story the first week of each month about a person with a disability using their gifts and talents, we’d like you to meet our friend Tait Berge. Perhaps one of the best ways to introduce him is to share his press release for his...

How Has Mentoring Made a Difference in Your Life?

Did you know this week wraps up National Mentoring Month? Mentoring is close to the heart of Luke 14 Exchange. Simply put, mentoring is advising or training someone. In faith circles it is often called discipleship.  Sometimes our mentoring involves a formal...
Gift Ideas for People Affected by Disability

Gift Ideas for People Affected by Disability

Gift giving can be both fun and challenging. Few of us are in a position to simply throw money away buying “whatever.” We want to know we are getting a gift that our family or friend can use and will appreciate. This can become even more challenging when the giftee...
Which Tapes Do You Listen To?

Which Tapes Do You Listen To?

This is the third in a series by our co-founder Jerry Borton. You can find the previous posts by clicking October or November.  It has been said that 70% of our self-talk is negative.  Many of us have a set of tapes (or for the younger reader, podcasts) in our head...