Say I Won’t

Say I Won’t

Today we invite you to listen, and watch the story behind Mercy Me’s song, Say I Won’t. Then leave a comment about what “they” told you or your loved one couldn’t be done.” And be sure to check back next Wednesday, September 8, when...
Matt Curcio: Roofbreaker

Matt Curcio: Roofbreaker

Beginning today, we’ll are posting a story on the first Wednesday of each month. The stories will be about individuals who have discovered their passion, calling, gifts, and talents, even amidst the challenges of living with a disability. If you know of someone...
You Know You’re a Caregiver When . . .

You Know You’re a Caregiver When . . .

Caregivers can spot one another across a parking lot. We recognize the look on their face, be it glazed, incredulous, or laser-focused. We identify because it’s our life too. It is good to remember we are not alone. A few years ago I asked many of my caregiving...
Why Do You Say People Affected by Disability?

Why Do You Say People Affected by Disability?

People affected by disability. Have you ever wondered why we at Luke 14 Exchange use that terminology? We understand that disability impacts more people than the person who has cerebral palsy, spina bifida, stroke, spinal cord injury, autism, down syndrome, or...